Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Grilled Fish Burger w/ Apple Jicama Slaw

With Summer on the way, barbecue season is just around the corner. I've come up with a very healthy yet tasty recipe for all you grillers out there. As you know, I love to keep things simple in the kitchen and this is no exception. Slaw is typically made with mayonnaise but my version is healthier and I think tastier. From start to finish this recipe will take you 15 mins. well, depending on how fast you can chop!

2 5-6oz Pacific Cod, Black Sea Bass or Tilapia
1/2 cup jicama - thinly sliced
1/2 cup red apple - thinly sliced
1/4 cup red pepper - thinly sliced
1 tbsp. fresh mint - chopped
olive oil
1 lemon to zest & juice

Depending on whether you use a gas or coal grill, preheat it. While the grill's coming up to temp. make the slaw. You can do this ahead but only maybe an hour or so. Place all three ingredients in a bowl of iced water and squeeze juice of 1/2 lemon. This is to stop the apple from turning brown and nasty. The ice helps keep them crisp. Finish the slaw as soon as your fish is almost ready.
Drizzle a little olive oil on each filet and season with S&P. Don't put too much oil on the fish as, well fish is naturally oily but also if the oil drips into the grill the flame will turn the fish black. You only need enough to stop it sticking to the grill. Depending on how thick your filet is it'll take approx. 3-4 mins. each side. When cooked you want the fish to be firm and clear juices running from it.
To finish the slaw, drain and add back to your mixing bowl. Add fresh mint, zest of 1/2 lemon, sprinkle of salt and squeeze lemon juice. Mix together and taste. If you think it needs more mint or lemon, add it. No big deal, after all you're the one eating it!
Toast a couple of burger buns and if you want add some avocado or mustard to your burger.
Check out YouTube to see this episode in action and more of the Shirtless Shef Summer Series.

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